Raider3D Viewer 1.4
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Raider3D is the only 3D collaboration solution that works with any 3D application including CATIA V4/V5, Pro/Engineer, Unigraphics, VisView, I-DEAS, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, 3DS MAX/VIZ, Maya, FormZ, Ansys CAE, Abaqus, Pam-crash, Patran, Gocad and Petrel. Models captured with Raider3D are saved in a lightweight and secure model which can be easily manipulated, cross-sectioned, measured, annotated, emailed as an attachment, shared in real-time over the Internet, or simply published to Microsoft Office® documents and Web pages. Raider3D Viewer, available as a free download (stand alone/plug-in), is sufficient to display the captured 3D scene with the exact same visual characteristics as in the original application.